A Trans Latinx for Palestine
I've faced a barrage of arguments implying that because I'm transgender, I should distance myself from the Palestinian cause. They say, "you will be stoned to death,” or “look at how certain Muslim communities might view or treat you based on your gender identity." But let me be crystal clear: those attempts to sway my stance are futile.
My principles and ethics as a transgender individual are ironclad and aren't dictated by the potential prejudices or threats I might face from any group. My solidarity with the Palestinian cause isn't up for debate or compromise. It's rooted not in naivety but in a profound understanding of human rights, dignity, and the intrinsic worth of every individual.
Yes, there may be segments within Muslim communities that do not recognize or accept transgender identities. But that in no way justifies blanket prejudice or calls for genocide against all Muslims or Palestinians. There are transgender Muslims, living their truth amidst both faith and adversity. Their existence is a testament to the vastness and complexity of human experience, and no one gets to erase them for the sake of a convenient narrative.
I am resolute. My commitment to justice, equity, and human rights is unyielding. I champion the rights of Palestinians and vehemently oppose Islamophobia. I do so not despite being transgender but because of the strength and clarity that my journey as a transgender individual has instilled in me. The effort to manipulate my values based on perceived threats is not only ineffective but grossly underestimates the depth of my convictions.